Saturday, 2 April 2016

Research For Design Solution 1

Revamped Bus Design

Since our group decided to take the eco-friendly route and concept in our design solutions, I have decided to do some research on the technology and eco-friendly options available currently.

TOSA (Trolleybus Optimisation Système Alimentation) is a smart bus which is rechargeable. It was invented in 2013 in Geneva as an alternative to clean energy as the bus runs on electricity and will not have any carbon emissions. Furthermore, it doesn't have any noise and hence reduces noise pollution in the city. The bus is able to contain 133 passengers which is more than a regular bus capacity. A double decker SBS Transit bus in Singapore can contain 124 passengers and a bendy SMRT bus can contain 130 passengers.

Dimesions: 18m x 2.55m

Dimesions: 18.75m x 2.55m

TOSA will be a great inspiration to our group's design of our revamped bus, not only because of its eco-friendly technologies but also the design of it that is able to increase the bus capacity within the road restrictions. The idea of a bendy bus is useful for our design. It will be hard to increase the width of a bus to make it more spacious due to the fixed width of roads. A double decker bus is not ideal for elderly because of the stairs. Hence, the only option is increasing the length.



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